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The Scientific Committee of the 2nd Panhellenic Congress on Ethnopharmacology welcomes the submission of abstracts for original contributions to the field of Ethnopharmacoplogy. Authors may submit abstracts relevant to the Congress Scientific Topics either as an Oral or as a Poster contribution.

All abstracts for Oral or Poster presentations should be submitted via the congress website ( no later than 20 November 2023 18 December 2023 (Extend) by filling in the online submission form.

For every accepted abstract is required for at least one of the authors to be pre-registered.

  • Each author can present a maximum of 2 abstracts, if the author is participating in more abstracts, they must be submitted and presented by other registered co-authors.
  • Abstracts can be submitted and presented in Greek and English. Authors and contributors are encouraged to perform a careful check of their texts for their scientific meanings and make good use of the selected language.
  • During the submission process, all authors will be asked to upload a ready for publication file as well, as described in the Abstract content. Authors are exclusively responsible for the submission of their work according to the abstract submission guidelines and for submitting their abstract in due time according to the abstract submission deadline. Abstracts that do not comply with the guidelines may be returned for corrections if time allows or, if submitted after the deadline, may be automatically disqualified.
  • All submitted abstracts are subjected to a peer review process. After the evaluation, corresponding authors will receive feedback. The Scientific Committee may change the requested presentation type from Oral to Poster or from Poster to Oral following communication and approval by the authors. All accepted abstracts will be presented as Oral or Poster presentations and will be published in the 2nd Panhellenic Congress on Ethnopharmacology Book of Abstracts.

 In case you find any difficulty in submitting your abstract electronically, please contact ARTION Conferences & Events (

Abstract content

Software: The abstracts should be typed on a word processor (“.doc” or “.docx” format).

Font, size, spacing, alignment: Type in Tahoma font 10pt, sentence-case, single-spaced, without spaces between paragraphs and justified paragraph alignment. The first line of the paragraphs should not be indented.

Title: Type in 11 pt, Bold, single spaced, as brief as possible. Scientific names in the title in italics, in lower-case.

Authors: Leave one line, 10pt between title and authors. The surname should follow the first initial of the name; and the superscript should be inserted at the end with no space. The presenter’s name should be underlined; the superscript should not be underlined. Listed names should be separated by a comma, e.g. J. Smith1, A. Papadopoulos2

Address of institution: The name of the institution (s) should precede the location, if the location is not included in the name of the institution (e.g. Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IMBB-FORTH), Heraklion, Crete, Greece). If one institution is mentioned you don’t need to add a superscript.

e.g. M. Papadopoulou1,2, A. Papadopoulos2

1 Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IMBB-FORTH), Heraklion, Crete, Greece

2 Department of Biology, University of Crete (UoC), Greece

Abstract: Leave one line, 10 pt between institutions and abstract text. There should not be a space between paragraphs. Abbreviations may be used after the reference has been written out in full in parentheses after the first appear in the text. The text should be no longer than 300 words. One table and one image can be included. References may not be inserted.

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